I liked how this film emphasized the belief of "big atonement for big sins". The final scene with the tofu reminded me of the quote from Macbeth- "Out damned spot! Out I say!". No matter what all Geum-ja does to fix what happened in the past, nothing can get rid of her guilt or replace her innocence. Nothing is going to bring back the dead children, or her peace of mind. It was like she was trying to surround herself with white, suffocate herself with pureness, but the knowledge and heaviness of all that she has done still remains. It seems that the only innocent thing left in her life is her daughter, Jenny.
Throughout this film I kept wondering: "who is V?". At one point of the film I thought V was Evey's friend Deitrich, because they were similar in almost every way. The first mornings spent by Evey at the houses of V and Deitrich had similarities that are very much in plain sight. From the Egg in a Basket, the music that is playing, and the aprons that they both were wearing, even the editing and the angles of the camera, all are the same. I ask myself: why is this? Could it be that Deitrich is V? As I began to think deeper into the film I became aware that many people are meant to portray different personifications of V's characteristics. However, I was no closer in my understanding of who V really was. It did not come to me until the end of the film that I think I discovered the identity of V. My understanding of who V is came from the ending sequence, perceptually when all of the masked people remove there masks. We see a multitude of people, many for the first time. We also see the faces of people who have died throughout the movie: a little girl, the women from the cell next to V, and Deitrich himself. To me V is everyone, he is the embodiment of the ideals of liberty and equality, and he represents how we are all truly the same because we are all wearing the masks of humanity.